I’ve gushed multiple times about how awesome Hannah Brencher is. Her book, TED Talk, blog & Instagram stories are all fuels of my inspiration. Hannah founded More Love Letters, a project to write notes to strangers worldwide and she also does a bunch of other cool things. I admire her for her authenticity (something I strive for on this blog) in every aspect of her life: faith, food, exercising, her relationships. Plus her & her husband Lane (#goals) eat similar to how I do & are huge book nerds, they just get cooler and cooler. I was absolutely honored to be chosen win her writing intensive class and then I randomly emailed her asking if she’d be willing to be spotlighted on the blog. She replied answering a few questions I’ve always wanted to know about people!

1. What is one thing you wish you could tell your 16 year old self?

Don’t worry if it feels like everyone is hanging out without you. Don’t worry if it feels like everyone around you is smarter, prettier, better or cooler than you. Your mind wants to tell you little lies about who you are and how you don’t add up. Be careful not to give those lies too much power over your self-esteem. Just relax. Be good to people. Be kind and play fair.

2. A majority of my readers are highschool juniors and seniors, do you have any advice for highschool/college aged girls going through the process of college & applications?

It’s easy to feel like the stress of “what’s next” should paralyze your every move. Do what you can, work hard, and then let go. You will end up exactly where you need to be.

3. Who has been the most influential mentor/role model in your life?

I would definitely say I look up to my mom the most. She is a genuine and loving person who has always taught me the importance of slowing down to see people. I have a lot of people I look up to in my business field but I definitely think my mom inspires me to be the best person possible and character wins over business savvy anyday.

4. Do you have any morning routines?

I love starting my day off with a workout. It sets the tone for the day. I let mornings be my time and I use the quiet to read, study my bible, drink that first cup of coffee and prep for the day.

5. What is your favorite quote?

I always have loved this quote from Sylvia Plath. “Let me live, love, and say it well in good sentences”

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